I am thrilled to pass on to you a wonderful tip that has entirely changed the way I approach writing. Thank you Jose Rosado for this tip. 🙂
I believe it to be a game-changer, and I am eager to hear what you think.
So here is the tip: I use Otter.io to convert my voice recordings of topics I intend to write about into text. It is a wonderful tool that accurately and quickly records what I say.
It saves me a ton of time over manually inputting everything. It gets even better though, because after transcribing my recordings, I use ChatGPT’s “Make this better” prompt to improve my writing.
It is similar to having an always-available personal writing coach.
ChatGPT evaluates my transcription and suggests improvements.
Using this method, I can produce high-quality content rapidly and with the least amount of effort.
The best thing, though? I still have the opportunity to check the finished product for tone and style.
So, have you tried anything similar? Please let me know your thoughts! 🙂
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