Here is a great video I found on on the the “Joy of using FCPX”. What I like about this video is that we can really see the direction Final Cut is heading. With all the hoopla and debate on Final Cut, it is nice to see someone that is thinking ahead of the curve instead of overanalyzing the change Apple chose to do.
One thing I keep telling anyone that is willing to listen, is that every Non Linear Video Editor can pretty much do the same thing in similar ways, so it is nice to see a software that is rethinking the way we work. I like to think that one day we will edit like in the movie Minority Report, which the new FCPX seems to be heading in that direction:

Here is the video to the presentation of Michael Wohl via Michael Wohl talks ‘The Joy of FCPX’ at the Amsterdam SuperMeet.
Enjoy! 🙂