Embracing Human Creativity: Winning the Video Storytelling Race Against Artificial Assistance.

Are you prepared to take charge of your video creation and take control of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)?

FYI: I choose not to refer to it as Artificial Intelligence. To me, “Artificial Assistance” is a more fitting term that truly captures its function.

Right in front of us is the secret weapon we need to accomplish everything: storytelling! 

Like many others, are you concerned that Artificial Assistance will supplant human creativity in video storytelling and creation? 

Relax! As they say, “A robot can not invent anything, it follows a set program.” 

As Video creatives, we have a special talent for being imaginative and adding a genuine personal touch to our work. 

And what is the key component to making an interesting video? Personal Storytelling! 

The essence of communication has been storytelling from ancient civilizations to the present. 

It is unlike anything else in its ability to engage and inspire people. We must remember the fundamentals when making a video and begin with a compelling narrative. 

A compelling tale will engage our audience and make an impression that will stay, fancy editing and eye-catching graphics can only go so far. 

Start with something personal that resonates with us or our clients, and let that serve as the inspiration for the video. 

Use stories of our successes and also share tales of our failures. Or create a hero story. Be intimate, be vulnerable, and be brave! 

Think of the child at the edge of their seat when their grandparents share a story from their own past.

Stories are amazing at teaching, engaging, and motivating our captive audience. 

Once the story is laid out, then we can add creative elements to help carry the story.

We have an edge since we can improve storytelling by utilizing our creative skills!

So let us embrace our humanity 🤗 and make videos that are successful by delivering a compelling and engaging story. 

Also, I want to share a quote by Michael David Long:

“In the face of the coming AI revolution. Human creators creating unique human things for human consumption is going to be a bigger and bigger differentiator going forward, and we are standing at the starting line of a really amazing opportunity right now.

I also want to leave you with another great quote:

It is not Artificial Assistance that could take our jobs, it is someone using Artificial Assistance that could take our jobs.

Please let me know what you think. Are you excited or nervous about Artificial Assistance?

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out. I read every email and look forward to hearing from you. 

Your thoughts and ideas are always welcome! 

Thank you, and I hope you have a fantastic day! 😊

When you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. My Final Cut Pro Templates Store: Find top-quality animation templates for Apple's Final Cut Pro here. As a trusted developer since 2010, I offer a diverse range of templates to meet your creative needs.
  2. Hire Me: Video Editing, Animations & Custom Templates: With over 30 years of experience, I can help you create captivating videos. From achieving specific goals to enhancing your video-making skills, I am here to help you.
  3. 1-on-1 Final Cut Pro Template Creation Training: Benefit from my extensive expertise in Final Cut Pro template creation. Learn how to create high-quality templates, titles, transitions, and effects. I will guide you through the key techniques and design principles for making impactful animation templates in Final Cut Pro.