Jason Fried: Why work does not happen at work | Video on TED.com

Here is a great video on how to get more done while you are at work, if it is at home or at the office.

I am a huge believer of remote collaboration. The way I see it removing the 1-2 hours a day of commuting to the office gives you the opportunity to add 20-40 hours to your project a month. In a year that is 240 – 480 hours of time wasted sitting in traffic.

Lighting tips from the Masters « BenSimonds.com


3D Model Sample


Here is a great article on how to light like the pros.  These techniques may be used for photography, video, painting and 3d animation.  Included in this article is a FREE blender file of a proper 3 point lighting setup.

Free Render Farm for all :)

I am very proud of how far Blender has gone.  At this speed I can only imagine how much further they can go.

Now Blender will allow you to render on the global render farm to speed up your render process.

Blender 3D is a free 3D app to create animations, compositing, games and modeling.  It is an amazing tool!  And it is FREE! 🙂
